Providing Design and Illustrations that are exceptional.

Our team of creative designers craft book covers beautifully and create layouts that are appealing to reader’s eyes.

Get customized Book Covers that are unique and impressive.

In the intricate world of publishing, our publishers and designers understand this undeniable truth that books are indeed judged by their covers, as book covers are a visual narrative, a silent storyteller that must reflect the essence of the book’s content.

Here at Scholarly Hands, our designers offer more than just a service, they present you with the immersive experience of customizing the book cover from its inception till its completion. The resulting book design, therefore transcends mere aesthetics and becomes an indicator of sales and marketing success.

Let us craft a cover that captures not only the eyes but resonates with the soul of your narrative.

Picture a design that doesn't just grab attention but demands it, a cover that reaches out, whispers to the audience, and beckons them into the captivating world within the pages.

Number of concepts

Three different design concepts

Dedicated Designers

Creative team committed to provide you excellent illustrations.

Quick Turnaround Times

48 Hours turnaround time


Providing you unlimited revisions for your projects

Illustrations of Ebooks at an extensive range

Entrust your book illustrations to our creative team to make your Ebooks more brilliant and innovative.

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From Manuscript to Masterpiece: Our 4-Step Ghostwriting Blueprint

Initiate your path to literary success with our 4-Step Publication Blueprint, which is designed to transform your manuscript into a published masterpiece. This Blueprint is our commitment to guide your manuscript with detailed attention and professionalism, facilitating a smooth transition to a widely acclaimed Publication.

Project Initiation

Place your order and share your project details to start crafting your story with precision.

Chapter Validation

Receive and review the first chapter, ensuring it aligns with your vision and style preferences.

Feedback and Revisions

Engage in a structured feedback loop, allowing for adjustments and revisions to hone your manuscript.

Final Editing & Proofreading

Undergo a final review with editing and proofreading to ensure your book embodies excellence and is publication-ready.


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